In my opinion the School has terrible computers and terrible Wi-Fi. Why does a relatively brand new school have computers from like the 1999. They run super slow, they can barely function on the internet they take like 20 seconds to load a page if you're lucky when you use IE; firefox isn't that much better.
Earlier today at a cambridge high school there was a chemical leak; this was due to a backup in the drains that drain chemicals from the science classrooms. I think that is kinda bad because it’s a place for learning and then they had to evacuate the whole school because of something some kids did in science. At the same time it’s good that they have safety protocols and stuff like that so when there is a chemical leak no one got injured. Additionally I find it kind of weird that a science class would have strong enough chemicals to react in such a way as to contstitute an evacuation. The article doesn’t say a specific reason for the drainage system failing but hopefully there is a problem with it so they can fix it, and future leaks won’t happen as opposed to an overall flaw in the drainage system that can’t be fixed.
I think that it’s pretty crazy that it is going to take 40 years just to return the Japanese nuclear site to normal. And that to this day they are still leaking radioactive water from the underground pools into the soil around the plant. Not only that but they have rats that are getting into circuit boards and shutting off the power, causing containment breaches and reactors to overheat making the problem even worse. And on top of all that they still have to design technology to remove the melted fuel which could take an indefinite, this is a serious concern for the environment, and not only that but the radiation makes the land around it uninhabitable, for sometime and for an island nation, with limited space that is really bad.
A guy who planned to off rail a via rail train from Toronto to New York was tried in court recently. He has another trial planned for the future in which he will appear by video transmission from a correctional facility. He was being ridiculous in court saying that the Canadian Criminal Code doesn’t affect him because it isn’t a holy book. Regardless of what his beliefs may be I think he needs to realize that the society we live in has laws and that he has to follow them despite his opinions of him or what his beliefs are, and that his extremism isn’t acceptable, and only serves to make him look stupid. Both him and his partner deserve a life sentence in jail, and I think and hope that they will receive that for plotting to kill innocent civilians.
Of all the people at Tedx I want to listen to Navarro spin some fresh tunes, because he's the dj. I think that he is gonna set a nice vibe for the Ted talk. I think McLean is going to say something inspirational, about being homeless and it's going to be an interesting perspective that most of the people in attendance won't understand. And hopefully De Riggs says something funny so that it doesn't get boring.

New Website


For games and other fun stuff, check out the new website; all my school stuff will stay here and everything else will slowly be phased out.
My name is Duncan Wilson. I like playing Starcraft 2, and music (mainly rap). I'm conservative, but if I were American, I think I would be a democrat. ODDFUTURE! I don't think there is anything wrong with pirating music because the actual artist gets payed very little compared to the recording companies. Pirating tv shows is okay because I still (my parents) pay for cable so the actors still get payed. Pirating old games is okay because they aren't being sold in stores anymore so paying for them doesn't matter. I don't think marijuana should be legal for general use but for medical purposes it's okay, mainly because way to many people would be getting baked, and people who don't like marijuana would have to walk around smelling it all the time. f-35's need to be bought regardless of the cost, considering the frequency of Russian "fly by's" I'm not a paranoid person, but better safe then sorry. PD days should always be on wednesdays, because then you have two fridays, two sundays, and two thursdays in a week, and that is pretty sick. Youtube should be unblocked at school, and the schools bandwidth should be upgraded. I don't think having your phone out in Class is disrespectful if you're a teacher and all you can think about is some kid in your class texting then you need to go skydiving or something. I think Reddit is awesome but it wastes way to much of my time, for no reason. It's a school blog so I won't share with my religious views, but extremist anything is annoying including extremist atheists. My favourite league of legends team is TSM, I don't care if they suck now but they were the best for a long time and I refuse to pay enough attention to pick a better team. Manchester United is my favourite soccer team, I don't like Chelsea, and I especially don't like Liverpool; don't ask me to name any players from any of those teams because I don't know any. I hate updating Itunes because I think all my music will get deleted, or something to that extent. I want to learn to speak Mandarin because I hope in the future the US, Canada, and China will make an Alliance, with the two main languages being Chineese and English, and then the whole world will become one country, allowing everyone to focus on scientific advances, and so forth. My favourite movie is Serenity; my favourite TV series is Firefly. If there was a zombie apocalypse I would probably die, not for lack of trying. Minecraft is a sick game. New Jersey is my favourite hockey team, and my favourite basketball team. Lacrosse is a fun sport. I think North Korea will destroy the world in a devastating nuclear war. I don't beleive in many conspiracy theories but I think Coca Cola secretly owns every other soda company in the world, or at least North America. England is an awesome country, but I would hate living there because its rainy and polluted. I hope this is enough writing. Steve Jobs invented the mouse, and thats all that matters. I hope I didn't offend anyone in all this writing. Living on the moon would be terrible. I want to go Bungee Jumping in the near future. That's all.
So I have to blog and stuff so I'm writing this blog. I don't know what I'm supposed to be writing about. Go team #BASED #blog #hashtag #win